I, on the other hand, really find Kelvin's picky eating annoying! Hahaha! I swear you can't feed him anything new! Anyway, I've learned to use his weakness to my advantage many times so it doesn't bug me as much now.
You will probably notice that this strip is colored! Yaay! I'm not sure if I'm going to do this regularly though because it does take a lot of time to color the strips (even though the outcome looks so simple.)
As always, don't forget to "like" the strip if you do! It keeps me motivated. Hehe! :-)

English Translation

我很喜歡在網路上(特別在Youtube網站上)看影片。Kelvin 反而很討厭我做這個事情,因爲我的影片會吃掉全家的聯網速度,Kelvin 就沒辦法做他的網路事情了。
Kelvin也有很討厭的部分哦(不只我有壞習慣),他呢,非常非常挑食!他不喜歡吃很多東西 - 不喜歡大部分的蔬菜,也不喜歡大部分的水果耶!我現在沒那麼討厭這個事情了,一邊是因爲我習慣了,一邊是因爲我發現他的挑食個性有用法!
還有這張畫畫有顏色哦!耶!雖然看起來很簡單,可是我真花了多時間放色, 所以我不會常常做這樣有顏色的畫畫。:-P
喜歡的話,請按 “讚” 哦! :-)

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