Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Kelvin hates me watching random videos in Youtube, mostly because I eat up all the bandwidth at home rendering him unable to use the internet properly. Bwahaha! But what can I do when my Youtube page is filled up with new videos from my subscriptions?! :-P

I, on the other hand, really find Kelvin's picky eating annoying! Hahaha! I swear you can't feed him anything new! Anyway, I've learned to use his weakness to my advantage many times so it doesn't bug me as much now.

You will probably notice that this strip is colored! Yaay! I'm not sure if I'm going to do this regularly though because it does take a lot of time to color the strips (even though the outcome looks so simple.)

As always, don't forget to "like" the strip if you do! It keeps me motivated. Hehe! :-)